Intelligibility Strategies, Rubrics, and Rating Scales


Help students improve their overall intelligibility and awareness of their speech production.

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Help students improve their overall intelligibility and awareness of their speech production.

Help students improve their overall intelligibility and awareness of their speech production.

Monitor and target several areas of speech production, including rate, volume, and the ability to read a conversation partner's reactions with these visuals for strategy use! The comprehensive intelligibility strategy handout is a great tool to share with students, parents, and the rest of the IEP team. Also included is a self-rating scale for students AND a rating scale that can be completed by the clinician or provided to classroom teachers to monitor carry-over and generalization of intelligibility strategy use

This resource can either be printed or downloaded for digital use!

Intelligibility Strategies Task Cards: Leveled Practice
Multisyllabic Word Ring: 5-Syllable Words
SPRING Themed Intelligibility Strategies Task Cards