Strategies for Making Inferences: Introduction to Inferences Workbook
Use this 115-page workbook as the ULTIMATE GUIDE for introducing the concept of making inferences!
Use this 115-page workbook as the ULTIMATE GUIDE for introducing the concept of making inferences!
Use this 115-page workbook as the ULTIMATE GUIDE for introducing the concept of making inferences!
Help your students gain confidence by tackling the following skills:
Review the inferencing hierarchy
Introduce terms like "background knowledge," "inference," and "evidence"
Teach students to use graphic organizers to build background knowledge
Practice using sentence frames and visuals to formulate inferences
Make inferences from single photos and illustrations
Discuss how inferences change given new evidence
Practice inferencing from a series of images
Learn how to formulate inferences from words
Review effective strategies for inferring the meaning of unknown words
Talk about shades of meaning and sort words by intensity
Make inferences from sentences
Combine visual evidence and text evidence to make inferences from images with captions
...and SO much more!
This research-based resource was created for students in upper elementary and middle school speech and language, but it would also serve as an excellent tool for special education and language arts classes. Product can be printed or viewed as a digital PDF.
Also, be sure to check back in early 2023 for the release of the second inferencing workbook, 'Making Inferences from Text.'