Subordinating Conjunctions Unit


Target syntax and the formulation of complex sentences with this comprehensive subordinating conjunctions unit!

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Target syntax and the formulation of complex sentences with this comprehensive subordinating conjunctions unit!

Target syntax and the formulation of complex sentences with this comprehensive subordinating conjunctions unit!

With this unit, teach your students to:

  • recognize and understand the function of conjunctions within a sentence

  • learn rules for grammar and punctuation

  • utilize a strategy for identifying conjunctions

  • practice comprehension and expression of individual conjunctions at a variety of differentiated levels

  • use real pictures to formulate complex sentences

These task cards can be used for both assessment AND therapy. This nearly 100-card unit includes: visuals for the AAAWWUUBBIS strategy for identifying subordinating conjunctions, rules for punctuation (when/when not to use a comma), individual cards for each subordinating conjunction that explains its use and provides examples, task cards with real photos for sentence formulation, identifying the correct use of a conjunction, completing sentences about a picture, and sentence starters for each type of conjunction, conjunction swap task cards, and two additional worksheets that can be used with all of the materials.

Conjunction Photo Task Cards for Unless and If
Coordinating Conjunctions Unit
Expand-A-Sentence Photo Cards for Teletherapy
Expanding Sentences Photo Cards for Speech and Language: COMMUNITY & CAREERS
Conjunctive Adverbs Unit