Introducing Tier 2 Vocabulary: Winter Themed Task Cards

Sale Price:$4.80 Original Price:$6.00

Introduce high-frequency, tier 2 vocabulary words during your winter-themed speech and language sessions!

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Introduce high-frequency, tier 2 vocabulary words during your winter-themed speech and language sessions!

Introduce high-frequency, tier 2 vocabulary words during your winter-themed speech and language sessions!

This resource includes 52 task cards for ten high-frequency vocabulary words, such as accumulate, construct, unique, etc. There are five task cards for each word, targeting evidence-based strategies for introducing new vocabulary.

These cards include...

a familiarity rating scale - how familiar are students with this word? have they ever heard it before?

word identification card - pick out the word among other similar words based on its spelling and number of syllables

word used in context - read an example of the word in a sentence and use context clues, part of speech, and word parts to determine its meaning

fill in the blank with various forms - choose from variations of each word (i.e. accumulate, accumulated, accumulation) to complete sentences

picture prompt - use a form of the word to create a sentence about a photo

*Suggestions for additional research-based vocabulary activities, such as synonyms, antonyms, picture representations, etc. are also included.

This product was created for older students in speech and language therapy (5th-12th grade), but can also be used in special education or language arts classes to support vocabulary instruction. If printed and prepped, task cards are optimally size for storage in a 4x6 photo box. Resource can also be used as a digital PDF on a computer or tablet.

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Sale Price:$5.95 Original Price:$7.00