Truth or Myth Winter Mini Set: An Activity for Mixed Speech and Language Groups


This BEST-SELLING activity is a great way to engage your mixed speech and language groups in upper elementary through high school! Students are given a statement (i.e. The tallest snowman ever built was taller than a house) and they must decide whether it is a truth or a myth. This winter mini set CURRENTLY includes 9 facts* geared towards the winter season. For each fact, there is a Truth or Myth statement on the first page, followed by a short passage that explains the answer and provides some background information on the second page. The third page contains several speech and language targets for that fact and passage.

* total number of facts included in this set will be 10. One new fact for Valentine's Day will be added soon, so make sure to check back for updates!

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This BEST-SELLING activity is a great way to engage your mixed speech and language groups in upper elementary through high school! Students are given a statement (i.e. The tallest snowman ever built was taller than a house) and they must decide whether it is a truth or a myth. This winter mini set CURRENTLY includes 9 facts* geared towards the winter season. For each fact, there is a Truth or Myth statement on the first page, followed by a short passage that explains the answer and provides some background information on the second page. The third page contains several speech and language targets for that fact and passage.

* total number of facts included in this set will be 10. One new fact for Valentine's Day will be added soon, so make sure to check back for updates!

This BEST-SELLING activity is a great way to engage your mixed speech and language groups in upper elementary through high school! Students are given a statement (i.e. The tallest snowman ever built was taller than a house) and they must decide whether it is a truth or a myth. This winter mini set CURRENTLY includes 9 facts* geared towards the winter season. For each fact, there is a Truth or Myth statement on the first page, followed by a short passage that explains the answer and provides some background information on the second page. The third page contains several speech and language targets for that fact and passage.

* total number of facts included in this set will be 10. One new fact for Valentine's Day will be added soon, so make sure to check back for updates!

This resource is PERFECT for use with mixed groups to target the following goals... 

  • Text structure

  • Comprehension (reading or listening) 

  • Inferencing/making educated guesses

  • Vocabulary (tier II words are all underlined)

  • Synonyms

  • Comparing and contrasting

  • Multiple meaning words

  • Analogies

  • Describing

  • Categorizing/attributes

  • Articulation at the sentence and reading levels, through carry over to conversation

  • Syntax/question formulation

  • ...and SO much more! 

Carrier phrases and visuals addressing articulation, inferencing, text structure, and comprehension (KWL strategy) are also included! This is the ULTIMATE low prep activity for older speech and language students. This resource can be printed and prepped OR downloaded and used as a digital PDF.

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